
Houtbouw fsc nederland


On September 5th 11.00 hrs, EFL will resume with a new series of webinars. This edition is dedicated to construction in wood. As wooden and timber buildings are increasingly seen as one of the options to reduce carbon emissions in the construction industry, the international Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has developed a dedicated course for staff of housing associations to learn about this building method. This course is originally developed for Dutch housing professionals, but recently as part of a European fund from LIFE, HOME for the FUTURE, the course becomes available on European scale.Attendees of this webinar will be fully covered about this. Furthermore we asked Ulrich Klammsteiner, director at the Italian Casa Clima (Climate House) institute, to provide additional information and experiences with wooden construction. Please find here the link to this meeting (5 September 2024- 11.00-12.20 CET / 10/00-11/20 UK Time zone)