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EFL associate Dr. Klein plans foreign expansion into Netherlands

by | Mar 23, 2015

After becoming member in the European Federation for Living, the German credit broker Dr. Klein plans expansion of its services into the Netherlands. In a recent article in the German Real Estate Magazine “Immobilien Zeitung”, Dr. Kleins CEO HP Trampe describes the plans. The company performed recently a study about the Dutch financing system in the social housing sector. One of the results is that after the abolishment of subsidizing social housing in the nineties, a sector managed guarentee system provides opportunities for cheap financing via two public banks. The good marktet position of social housing in The Netherlands, characterized by shortages of affordable housing and a growing supply of free market rentals in urban centers like Amsterdam or Utrecht, makes financing interesting for German banks. The interest differences between Dutch banks and German finance providers results in apetite in the social housing sector. Talks about multi million financing packages in Netherlands via Dr. Klein & Co are currently held. To read the article in full (only German), click here.

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