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EFL General Assembly in The Hague, November 22 & 23

by | Mar 23, 2015

On November 22 and 23,  housing association Staedion from The Hague, hosts the bi-anual General Assembly of EFL members. The open part of this event takes place in the morning of November 23. This part is open for professionals from the housing  and real estate sector. Venue location EFL Assembly: the spectecular New Babylon. This multi- functional hotspot of The Hague with hotel, apartments, offices and shops, recently opened its doors (click here for more info).  The EFL meeting will take place in the conference center. 

EFL invited one of the architects of this building from the world class office Meyer & Van Schooten. He will introduce the guests to this spectacular building and give a keynote speech about current developments in architecture. 

Other speeches will be given by Dirk Lönnecker, CEO of the Berlin housing association “1892”,  Benjamin Ulrich about Intelligent Homes, he is director of the french Intent Technologies, Prof. Dr. Henk Visscher from the TU Delft and Han Moerkerken, director of Moerkerken & Broekzitter, about a high tech calculation model of construction costs. All in all a very interesting and varied program. And above all a unique opportunity for international networking.

For housing professionals interested in attending this meeting: please write an email to managing director  Joost Nieuwenhuijzen, or call +31 6 5472 7286.

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