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EFL in Press: Geothermy research and European Housing Cooperative

by | Mar 23, 2015

Innovative approaches of EFL and EFL members regularly make the news. In the last edition of DW Die Wohnungswirtschaft, Germany’s largest housing magazine, a scientific article has been posted on calculation models for geothermy in housing. Author is Frits Rosier, consultant within EFL. For download click here. Furthermore two articles about  innovation within the European housing sector, both on new structures and products, have been published in the magazine Domino, a publication of the Berlin based DOMUS (consultancy).

The article “EFL: Das europäische Netzwerk für die Wohnungswirtschaft” makes clear that EFL makes the difference for members in innovation and creation of new competences; in the article “Stadtentwicklung in internationalen“, written by Dirk Lönnecker (former EFL Board, Wohnungsgenossenschaft 1892), new ideas for the creation of the first European Housing Cooperative are explained.

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