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EFL wins EU Subsidy for Energy Efficient Behaviour

by | Mar 23, 2015

Members of the European Federation for Living (EFL) have once again won a major European grant for European housing associations and research institutions.

Within the framework of the Intelligent Energy Europe program, an EU program that supports smart solutions for renewable energy production and energy efficient behavior, 10 parties from five countries submitted a project proposal. On 10 April this year the subsidy of € 2.5 million has been granted. Lead partner is Circle Housing from London. The Belgium EFL member Grant@Advice wrote the project proposal.

The project is known by the acronym TRIME (Trias Mores Energetica) and includes encouraging tenants on energy conservation and targeted purchasing behavior of housing corporations. A number of innovative approaches being will be tested. From the Netherlands, the housing corporations Eigen Haard (Amsterdam) and Havensteder from Rotterdam joined the project. In Uk Circle Housing, in France two large housing associations from Lille (Vilogia) and Paris (Polylogis).

The goal of the project is to achieve long -term increased energy efficiency in existing housing and increase of welfare and health. This is partly done by facilitating behavioral change of tenants. The team consists of seven social landlords from Europe, experts in the field of technology, performance, change management, knowledge and products. For example, household appliances, ventilation, heating and cooling.

Cecodhas, Aedes and the UK National Housing Federation, the French USH are among the support partners. The main required steps to achieve the goals of TRIME are: change energy consumption behavior of tenants through ‘ tenants ambassadors, technical support in the use of equipment, supporting energy- efficient purchasing behavior, measures for sustainable procurement for housing associations and maximizing a healthy indoor climate. The energy savings target is 9,075 tonnes of CO2 annually.

Each participant has its own pilot project, a housing complex where innovation is applied. Often in combination with renovation. In Amsterdam, for example, experiments with energy efficient domestic electronics for rent are tested, in Rotterdam is a renovation project for healthy indoor climate functions as test case. Participants in other countries like France, England, Belgium and Spain will also exrealize projects. The pooling of experience provides for each of the participants new knowledge for local application.

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