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Eigen Haard/ EFL Project Koningsvrouwen Landlust wins National Renovation Award

by | Mar 23, 2015

The Eigen Haard/ EFL Project “The Koningsvrouwen van Landlust” in Amsterdam is the winner of the National Renovation Award  “Gulden Feniks”. The award has been handed over during the Dutch Real Estate Fair “Provada” on Thursday June 5 2012 in Amsterdam.

The preparations of this project started in 2007 as the first EFL project. Especially during the first phase, expertise form over the entire network was used to get the most innovative solutions practised in Amsterdam.  

This Eigen Haard/ EFL project is selected and chosen as the best Sustainable Renovation project in the Netherlands.

The project received its award on the following grounds:

  • Perfect restoration to the original plans of 1937
  • Innovative renewable energy concept
  • Intensive communication process with the tenants
  • Affordable rents after the renovation

 The project consists of two monumental buildings of totally 240 social housing dwellings. It’s an example of the first open block parcellation in Amsterdam.

More info about the project: click here. The project is realized by EFL member Van der Leij Bouwbedrijven.

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