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Eigen Haard hosts 2 days workshop Energy Efficient EFL House. Video here.
Eigen Haard hosted from 30-11 until 1-12 a two day workshop. Goal of the workshop was to work out three different concepts of low carbon/ low energy buildings, to be realized in the City of Zaandam, location Seandelft, close to Amsterdam. Chaired by Frank Thesseling of the Swiss architecture/ engineering company KEOTO, experts included Hans Stolze of Eigen Haard, Patriek Duisdecker of FKG Architecten, Hubert Kuijpers (Pieters Bouwtechniek) and Lennaart Ruder. EFL was represented by Joost Nieuwenhuijzen.To have an impression of the workshop and the preliminary outcomes, watch this movie.
The project is the first to be realized new built buildings, a process for ‘Full Zero Energy Housing’, started by EFL in 2013.
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