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ENH Network founded by EBZ, GdW and VdW: EFL shares German initiative
The German organisations EBZ , the German Federal Association of Housing Companies (GdW) and the Regional Federation of Housing Companies in North Rhine Westfalia (VdW), founded on 7 April the European Network of Housing and Urban Development. One of the goals of this new organisation is to look for European Funding programs for the housing sector. Cooperation with other European networks like EFL is an important condition for succes. EFL will support in composing applications and find European EFL partners to build application consortia. It is therefore an interesting development for both EFL housing companies, universities and SME’s.  Topics like digitization, ageing population and housing refugees are some of the topics to focus on and for which cooperation across the borders is highly important, as these challenges are typical for  whole Europe.
Source illustration: VM Verbandsmagazine #5, VdW Die Wohnungswirtschaft im Westen
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