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European Housing Seminar EFL- VdW Rheinland Westfalen March 23
On March 23, the European Federation for Living (EFL) and the German Association of Real Estate and Housing in the Bundesland North Rhine Westfalia (VdW Rheinland Westfalen), organize together the seminar “European Thinking in the Housing Sector”. The seminar takes place at the offices of the NRW Bank in Düsseldorf.
Goal of the European Seminar is to share ideas and experiences between actors in the housing sector and to stimulate cooperation in Europe. EFL and VdW Rheinland Westfalen are both strongly committed to cooperation and learning from each other. Participants from Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands and Switzerland are present.
The seminar will be visited by CEO’s of housing associations, representatives from the public sector and universities, real estate developers and building companies.
The General Consul of the Dutch consulate in Düsseldorf, Mr. Henk Voskamp will welcome the guests. After the seminar, the guests are offered an excursion to energy efficient “solar” projects in Düsseldorf. These projects are realized by housing company “Rheinwohnungsbau” from Düsseldorf. For official program, click here: EFL- VdW Invitation 22-23 March Düsseldorf.
Scheduled speakers:
Mr. Dr. Henk Voskamp
General Consul of the Consulate of the Netherlands
Arne Myckert
Chairman European Federation for Living (EFL)
Dr. Dieter Kraemer
Verbandspräsident VdW Rheinland Westfalen
Dr. Günther
Abteilungsleiter Wohnungsbau, Wohnungs- und Siedlungsentwicklung, im Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Bauen, Wohnen und Verkehr des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Dr. Özgür Öner
Gesamtverband der Wohnungswirtschaft, Director Brussels Offices
Dipl. Ing. Frank Thesseling
KEOTO, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Krenz
Archwerk Generalplaner KG and Professor for Architecture at the EBZ Business School
Dr. Günther Horzetsky
State Secretary, Ministery of Economic Affairs, Energy, Construction, Housing and Traffic of the Bundesland Nordrhein Westfalen
If you are interested in joining this European Seminar or become Member or Associate of the European Federation for Living, you can contact the managing director Joost Nieuwenhuijzen at or +31 654 727286.
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As member or associate of EFL you get entrance to a unique network in the housing sector, offering opportunities for cooperation and doing business. Housing companies, both in the social housing and private sector can sign up as a member. Companies in the chain of value creation within the housing industry and development can apply for an asscoiated partnership. EFL is also open for scientific institutes and public organisations.