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Housing and Communities Research Group of the University of Birmingham joins EFL

by | Mar 14, 2019

 The Housing and Communities Research Group is delighted to accept the invitation to be an academic partner of the European Federation for Living.
This builds on our focus on sharing and co-production of knowledge with industry partners in the housing sector in England and internationally. Our research seeks to make a difference to society. Our projects focus mainly on responses to housing needs of low and middle-income groups and we believe that the European Federation for Living is well placed to help with our research impact. 

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As member or associate of EFL you get entrance to a unique network in the housing sector, offering opportunities for cooperation and doing business. Housing companies, both in the social housing and private sector can sign up as a member. Companies in the chain of value creation within the housing industry and development can apply for an asscoiated partnership. EFL is also open for scientific institutes and public organisations.

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