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How housing associations across Europe promote integration

by | Jun 19, 2017


How housing associations across Europe promote integration – International Social Housing Festival 2017 

Some housing associations do more then just providing a roof above the head. They set up systems that promote the integration of refugees and other immigrants. Six best practices from all over Europe were presented during the event ‘Best practices of inclusiveness, migration and refugee housing’, organised by the network organisations EFL + EurHoNet. They all deserve a follow-up. Here we discuss four of them. Read the article HERE.

Find the presentations here below:

EFL / Eurhonet: Introduction to the Topic Group Social Domain & Integration

Eigen Haard Amsterdam: Project Elsenhage Amsterdam North 

GEWOBAG Berlin: Why the integration of  Refugees lead to a win win situation.

Bo Vest Denmark: Assisting refugees into employment and internships

Helsingborgshem: Volunteering tenants improves integration

Dogewo Dortmund: Involving volunteer- Neighborhoods Agencies

Stangastaden Linköping : Sports as a way to bring communities together



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