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New EFL Newsflash

by | Mar 28, 2017


Let’s share knowledge!

This month we have had three meetings of our Topic Groups. In Munich we spoke about the topic Digitalisation and in Amsterdam about Social Domain and Intergenerational Living (see our Facebook page and Twitter for more information). 

Besides these Topic Groups, EFL supports and collaborates on other activities as well. At this moment EBZ Business School in Bochum, Germany is working on the programme of a 5 day Summer School for young professional in the housing sector. This Summer School will be held in August. TAFKAOO Architects is setting up a 2 day workshop about architecture in Vienna, Austria in September. Save the dates!

If you have an idea about a topic you want to discuss with other members and associates of EFL, or if want to organise or join a meeting about a certain subject, send me an email.

Thanks & greetings!
Joost Nieuwenhuijzen (managing director)





Woonzorg Nederland is the latest participant of EFL. Woonzorg Nederland provides suitable accommodation for frail elderly and people with disabilities who want to live sheltered or protected. Our homes and services support the need for safety and security. Woonzorg offers their customers the opportunity to fully participate in society.





During the Topic Group meeting Digitalisation, Julia Siebert explained the digitalisation strategy of the Joseph Stiftung, one of the most innovative social housing companies in Germany.


She highlights in the video the following projects: IStay@Home, Living Lab (new technologies for security and comfort, implemented in real homes as test unit), Sophital (digital instruments for elderly people and people with mental or physical deficiencies) and Business Processes. At the EFL Facebook page you will find another film where Julia explains the digital process of letting homes to students.



In Amsterdam Topic Groups Social Domain and Intergenerational Living were being held. During the TG Social Domain we have visited a carbon neutral housing project (in Amsterdam, The Netherlands) of EFL member Eigen Haard, called GO-Green. This project is all about sustainability. 

For pictures of this visit, go to our Facebook page.





The European lighthouse cities Vienna, Munich and Lyon, the follower cities Santiago de Compostela, Sofia and Venice, the observer cities Kiev and Yokohama come together to improve citizens’ quality of life.

Smarter together will prepare the ground for large-scale replication and ensure an in-depth knowledge transfer about setting up of smart city business models and user-centric innovation in order to contribute to positive societal dynamics.

How? Read all about it!



21st – 22nd of September 2017 Workshop Architecture & study visit to Vienna, Austria.
(EFL members only!)

EFL Associate TAFKAOO Architects is going to organise a 2 day workshop in collaboration with EFL. Have a look at the tentative programme.


21st – 25th of August 2017 Summer School for young professionals in the housing sector in Bochum, Germany.

The Summer School is organised by EFL associate EBZ Business School in collaboration with EFL. At this moment EBZ Business School is working on the programme. Soon there will be more information!




Tomorrow, the 29th of March of 2017, Britain will start the procedure of getting out of the European Union. Better known as: Brexit.

This article of the BBC is designed to be an easy-to-understand guide to the UK’s vote to leave the EU. It is regularly updated with new questions answered.





Have a look at Michael Greens’ TedxTalk. Michael Green is a founding principal at Vancouver’s McFarlane Green Biggar Architecture + Design. Green is dedicated to bringing attention to several of the challenges in architecture nowadays. The first challenge is climate change (see also the report of the World Meteorological Organization about the global impacts of climate change) and how the built environment is an enormous contributor to the factors damaging the very environment designers and architects are seeking to improve. The second challenge is the reality that over the next 20 years 3 billion people (40% of the world) will need a new affordable home. In short, solving the world’s massive shelter shortage with today’s building approaches will ironically trigger further environmental confusion. 





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