News Archive

Study Visit Vienna

by | Feb 5, 2018


TAFKAOO Architects (EFL Associate from Vienna) and EFL organise a 2 day workshop & study visit to Vienna for EFL members.

Always interested in how Austria’s Capital city Vienna developed and manages the world’s largest number of public housing ?  About 60% of the population lives in subsidized housing.

Do you want to know how the city further develops, new urban areas are attached to the existing structure, architecture and sustainability are easily combined in new developments? Like to get in touch with representatives of Viennese housing companies, politicians, press ?  We meet them during a “Kamin Gespräch” , or in English “Fireplace conversation” on the first evening.
Don’t miss the opportunity to attend this 2 day Study Visit to Vienna, professionally guided and managed by our Austrian/ German member TAFKAOO Architects.

Registration for the study visit is opened today. The invitation, program and information about the hotel is attached.
The participation fee is 150€, which covers lunches, diner and guiding

Registration via this link.

Program and Agenda via this link.

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As member or associate of EFL you get entrance to a unique network in the housing sector, offering opportunities for cooperation and doing business. Housing companies, both in the social housing and private sector can sign up as a member. Companies in the chain of value creation within the housing industry and development can apply for an asscoiated partnership. EFL is also open for scientific institutes and public organisations.

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