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Succesful joint meeting TG Finance & Intergenerational Living in Hennigsdorf
On September 22 & 23, ‘Housing Company Hennigsdorf’  (HWB) hosted the Topic Groups ‘Financing and Investment’ and ‘Intergenerational Living’.Â
The focus of the Topic Group “Finance” regular session of the themes investment calculation and profitability of housing projects . As a basis for discussion of the host HWB manager Holger Schaffranke and Martien Post of the Berlin Gewobag have presented and explained exemplary investment calculations of their companies.
Furthermore KPMG presented an expert overview on IFRS accountancy rules.
The Topic Group Intergenerational Living focussed on a new topical agenda for the coming year. The participants agreed on measuring ‘sense of community’ , vital to urban living blocks. For the next year pilots of community development will be gathered from within EFL members.
Before the conference participants plunged from the Netherlands, England, Finland and Germany in the world of numbers, interest rates and cash flow streams, there was a site visit of the current HWB-housing project on the agenda for them. In addition to a U-shaped existing building from the 1930s, the HWB built in the center of Hennigsdorf currently two four-storey apartment buildings with a total of 20 1.5- to 3-room apartments.
Great interest from the visitors pushed the heat concept that was developed for this project. The heat supply of new buildings and the existing building via a common center with a climate-friendly mix of district heating, solar heating and heat pumps. The 20 new apartments are supplied via decentralized home stations with heating and domestic hot water heat.Â
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