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TRIME to recruit Energy Ambassadors soon

by | Mar 28, 2015

The TRIME (Trias Mores Energetica) project team from five different countries, born and raised within EFL, recently met in Lille, France for a three day conference to create a plan to recruit their Energy Ambassadors, develop a tool kit that will help residents save energy and establish the monitoring of the project. The TRIME Team plans to start recruiting Energy Ambassadors in April 2015 and start the chain reaction of energy saving across Europe as scheduled.  

 Generally, TRIME is a project that will engage social housing residents across Europe to motivate them to save energy and save money on their energy bills through behaviour change. 

 The initial project phase focuses on carrying out research to understand residents’ current energy habits, including the number of appliances they own and if they know how much energy these appliances consume. The results from the research will help to inform the rest of the project and shape the messages that are delivered to customers.

 Behaviour Change will be created through residents that are trained to be Energy Ambassadors; they will encourage other residents to use simple energy saving tips. Those customers will then share the advice with other customers creating a domino effect and ensuring the advice goes as far as possible. 

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