Home Connections

Home Connections is a software house and social enterprise. They design and build online software solutions for local authorities and registered providers. Home Connection provides ‘best of breed’ technology, SaaS, PaaS and consultancy to the public and private sector. They are a growing company and has a solid base of local authorities, registered providers, social enterprises and private sector customers.
Home Connections is rated by Dunn & Bradstreet as five-star with a ‘minimal risk rating’ and also as being ‘superior to other firms in the industry.’ The company works tirelessly to continually improve services that help third organisations to achieve more. They use the most appropriate technology and partners to make sure their clients can benefit from talent across the globe, so that they get well specified products with low risk and high return on investment (ROI).
Because Home Connections designs systems around customer needs – the end product is both logical and user friendly. They provide services to support every aspect of the design, planning, regeneration, sale, lettings and options process for local authorities, registered providers and private developers and landlords. The company has remained faithful to its vision of putting “the home seeker in the driving seat” by transforming the balance of power between the housing landlord and the home seeker in favour of the latter. They now have a multitude of features on our CBL portals that allow housing applicants to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of supply and demand for social housing to determine the most suitable housing option.
Latest news: The EFL Academy
Launched in January 2021, the EFL Academy is EFL’s online learning environment, offering exclusive courses on housing-related topics for our members and associates.
Like our webinars, the EFL Academy offers another digital knowledge-sharing platform where members and associates can deepen their housing knowledge.
Courses are exclusively for the network and many are also offered by the network. If you'd like to contribute a course to the EFL Academy, get in touch with us at info@ef-l.eu.
Take an EFL Academy course now!
Contact us
European Federation for Living
P.O. box 67065
1060 JB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
e-mail: info@ef-l.eu