The Over Group, founded in 2020, was created as a response to the needs of over-65s, both self-sufficient and partially non-self-sufficient, to find a place to live and in which to still feel young. Over is therefore the first operator in Italy to create housing solutions and services for seniors in which residents can maintain their habits, their social lives, and their independence but with constant, discreet, and never invasive protection, supported by modern technologies that are within everyone’s reach.

Latest news: The EFL Academy

Launched in January 2021, the EFL Academy is EFL’s online learning environment, offering exclusive courses on housing-related topics for our members and associates. 

Like our webinars, the EFL Academy offers another digital knowledge-sharing platform where members and associates can deepen their housing knowledge.

Courses are exclusively for the network and many are also offered by the network. If you'd like to contribute a course to the EFL Academy, get in touch with us at info@ef-l.eu

Take an EFL Academy course now!

Contact us

European Federation for Living
P.O. box 67065
1060 JB  Amsterdam
The Netherlands
e-mail: info@ef-l.eu