As the covid-19 crisis unfolds, housing providers face a largely changed financial and risk environment. Many landlords had to adapt their midterm financial planning and are more than ever aware of the vulnerability to unexpected crisis situations. This EFL lesson will bring together experts in the field of financial planning with key knowledge in stress testing, scenario planning and financial contingency planning. You will learn ways to mitigate risks and tap from experiences. Speakers derive from top consultant Campbell Tickell (UK), the Insurance and Risk Expert firm Funk Gruppe (Ger) and host a great example from the UK: the Great Places Housing Group from the UK.
Joost Nieuwenhuijzen, Managing Director of EFL, starts this recorded webinar with an introduction to EFL’s Teams environment and shows the audience how to find the relevant files.
Speakers line up include: Sue Harvey (Partner at Campbell Tickell), Fabian Kanopka (Funk Gruppe, Real Estate) and Kal Kay (Director Finance at Housing Association Great Places Group).
Moderation: Joost Nieuwenhuijzen (EFL)