EFL Seminar at the Helsinki International Social Housing Festival

15junAll DayEFL Seminar at the Helsinki International Social Housing FestivalBuilding resident voice and influence into housing and neighbourhood development

Event Details

As part of the International Social Housing Festival in Helsinki, EFL and Eurhonet’s Social Topic Groups will be organising a joint seminar on June 15th. This seminar will include presentations from EFL and Eurhonet members who will share innovations in resident engagement, as well group discussions and activities for participants.

We will be addressing the following questions:

– How can affordable housing providers ensure that residents’ voices are heard within the decision-making processes that shape their living environments?

– What strategies can be used to listen to the full diversity of resident voices and views, rather than only those who regularly provide feedback?

– How can international knowledge exchange improve our sector’s capacity to actively engage specific needs groups such as younger people?

– What can international practice teach us about the value of resident engagement and participation in terms of : 1/ achieving our affordable and sustainable development goals and 2/ developing citizenship by supporting residents as active stakeholders?

To participate in the seminar, you need to register for the International Social Housing Festival at the following link and sign up for the event entitled “Building resident voice and influence into housing and neighbourhood development” on Wednesday 15th. You’ll find the agenda of the EFL seminar here. Please keep in mind that the suggested site visit in the afternoon is not part of the seminar programme and requires a separate registration.

For more information, please contact Lucie Lescudé at lucie.lescudeplaa@ef-l.eu



15 June 2022 All Day(GMT+01:00)