Webinar: Finance and investment for decarbonisation

25apr13:0014:15Webinar: Finance and investment for decarbonisationnext steps for cooperation between EFL members

Event Details

In this webinar, Finance Topic Group leader Hendrik Cornehl will communicate the next steps within the Finance Topic group for EFL members wanting to get involved around the topic of decarbonisation. In the upcoming months, the Finance Topic Group is going to focus strongly on this topic, which will remain the one central topic for the housing sector for the next 10-20 years. The current challenge lies with generating the right data, interpreting the data, formulating valid decarbonization strategies and challenging the bankability of the investments scheduled along the decarbonization roadmap.

All interested EFL members are welcome to join the meeting in order to learn about options for collaborative work within the Finance TG in the upcoming months. More information via lucie.lescudeplaa@ef-l.eu.


Virtual Event Details

Event has already taken place!


25 April 2022 13:00 - 14:15(GMT+01:00)