
Global conversations about housing systems often happen in English. However, for many of us, the English language is not our mother tongue. At the same time, we sometimes draw conclusions about a term based on our cultural background. A group of international housing researchers have created an online vocabulary to ensure that everybody is on the same page.
The Marie Curie project, RE-DWELL, with which EFL is in close partnership, provides a platform for a holistic analysis of the affordability and sustainability of housing. Its researchers have quickly realised that the English terms and definitions in the sector are not a given and that each of us has ended up googling a terminology or an abbreviation at least once.
Have a look at their online vocabulary which explains what Building Information Modelling (BIM) is or how mass customisation makes companies approach their production according to the needs and requirements of each individual customer. The tool has been conceived and programmed by the ARC Engineering and Architecture research group from La Salle-URL. This tool is one more step in a line of work the researchers started in previous projects, such as OIKOpedia.
RE-DWELL also keeps on expanding its library of documented and collaboratively studied cases on affordable and sustainable housing. On their website, you can read about the housing cooperative, La Borda situated in a working-class neighbourhood of Barcelona, or the Marmalade Lane which is a pioneering cohousing scheme in Cambridge, England.
(source text Housing Europe; source imagine RE- DWELL)