
The Italian based organisation Casa Clima joined EFL as per March 2021.The CasaClima Agency is a center of excellence for energy-efficient and sustainable construction and renovation that is widely recognized throughout Italy and now increasingly also on an international level. As a pioneering institution in this field, CasaClima has been constantly evolving its standards since 2002, and has created an wide range of quality seals for building products and building certifications that describe sustainable construction in a more holistic approach. CasaClima considers itself primarily as a quality assurance process that accompanies a construction project and aims to ensure highest levels of planning and execution quality. In addition to ambitious, but at the same time economical and practical sustainability standards, special attention is paid to a healthy and comfortable living environment. To date, CasaClima has certified over 18,000 new buildings and renovation projects. EFL and Casa Clima cooperated already in a partnership for the Horizon 2020 proposal ‘BRAVE’ and will intensify mutual cooperation in a number of fields.
In 2014, CasaClima was expanded to become the Energy Agency South Tyrol – CasaClima, a public body of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano – South Tyrol. Since then, the fields of action and competences of the Agency have constantly expanded and new initiatives have been started, such as the programs KlimaGemeinde in the field of municipal climate protection or KlimaFactory for improving energy efficiency in companies. CasaClima has always been strongly committed to awareness-raising and consultancy activities for
building owners and the citizenship. A very central pillar is also the education and training of planners and craftsmen on the topics of energy-efficient and sustainable construction. So far, more than 40,000 participants have made use of the Agency’s broad range of training courses. The activities include also the publishing of the trade magazines CasaClima DueGradi, Energie&Haus, the construction guidebook Vademecum CasaClima and the organization of international conferences, trade fairs, seminars and informative events.
An important area is the constant exchange and institutional cooperation with public and private stakeholders, professional chambers, trade associations, consumer protection offices and other interest groups. CasaClima is also getting increasingly engaged at the international level. For example, it coordinates the energy sector of the European Macroregional Strategy for the Alpine area
(EUSALP) and is continuously involved in numerous international research projects.