
Efl digital


Efl digital

Although many countries are starting to gradually lift the most extreme lockdown measures and public life is slowly returning to “normal”, the situation is still far from normal. EFL has cancelled all of its physical gatherings until the Summer and hopes to start up slowly in Autumn 2020. At the moment, it is unclear what professional life will look like after the lockdown and when exactly international travelling will be possible again. In the meantime, EFL is more committed than ever to supporting digital communication and cooperation.
• For all members, we have created a collaborative team environment in MS Teams, including one large EFL Team, and separate teams for the Topic Groups and Projects
• We are planning a number of themed webinars, which will take place regularly over the coming months and will be open for members and associates.
• We recently conducted a member survey among the housing associations about the consequences of Covid-19 crisis on their business and will be sharing the outcomes of this survey with them via our first Webinar about it.  A webinar summary and recording and the survey results will be made available for all members in the EFL Digital Library and MS Teams environment following the webinar.
• The EFL General Assembly 2020 will go ahead on June 4th, but as a video conference, instead of in-person.
• The EFL website is in the process of being restyled and will in future offer more opportunities for interaction within the network.
• We will be increasing our presence on social media (Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter) over the coming months and developing an EFL content series, anchored around our webinars.
If you have any tips to further facilitate communication within our growing network, please inform us by email or in the MS Teams environment – we value your insights and ideas! Joost Nieuwenhuijzen