
Housing in many European countries has become unaffordable for many. In fact, it is now considered to be one of the most important national issues in Europe and its solution is proving very challenging.
Recent research indicate that it is necessary to consider the affordability and the sustainability of housing as complementary and interrelated aspects which need to be addressed with a transdisciplinary approach, by combining academic disciplines and engaging non-academic sectors in a common production of knowledge.
RE-DWELL will develop a transdisciplinary and holistic approach about housing which cuts across disciplinary boundaries and fields. RE-DWELL’s innovative research programme and environment will provide a platform for a holistic analysis of affordability and sustainability of housing through a transdisciplinary perspective.
Holistic approach and training of a new generation
A holistic approach is necessary to understand the interactions across multiple scales. It is essential to face the endemic lack of affordable and sustainable housing from new perspectives in order to understand all the dimensions (such as: architectural, urban, social, economic, political, environmental, governance) involved and their multiple inter-relationships. RE-DWELL aim is to train a new generation of professionals with the transdisciplinary skills which are needed to address the urgent need of affordable and sustainable housing, a major challenge for European societies.
Consortium and international team of experts
A consortium of 22 organisations – covering a range of academic disciplines and professional fields working on housing – is involved with this project. The combined knowledge provided by experts from the different fields and domains will contribute to create a transdisciplinary research framework in which early-stage career researchers (ESRs) will develop their individual projects on affordable and sustainable housing.
Events in 2021 – 2024
The upcoming years, we will organise workshops in Lisbon (Portugal), Budapest (Hungary) and Zagreb (Croatia), Summer Schools in Nicosia (Cyprus), Valencia (Spain) and Reading (UK), and two international conferences in Grenoble (France) and Barcelona (Spain).