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EFL Project day delivered inspiring ideas for new projects

by | Mar 8, 2019

The EFL Project Day on February 15th in Amsterdam turned out to be a well attended and very inspirational day. With more than 30 persons present out of 9 countries, the foundations for the preparation of new projects have been laid. 

The morning started with snapshot insights in two projects who got EU financing in the past: the Horizon 2020 Smart City project “CityZen” (Amsterdam and Grenoble) and our own project CHARM (Circular Housing Asset and Renovation Management). After the break, EFL members pitched the following project ideas:

  1. CirConFlex: CIRcular CONcepts for FLEXible housing solutions bring new benefits for retrofit projects in terms of (re)use of energy, CO2 and materials; the satisfaction of existing and future residents; and the cost-effectiveness of retrofit business cases. Project lead: Gerard van Bortel (TU Delft)
  2. CoSupport: How housing companies and municipal authorities can support collaborative housing. Social Domain Group. Project Leads David Mullins, University of Birmingham, and Maite Arrondo, City of Barcelona
  3. Mergers and Strategic Alliances. Project leaders Anita Blessing , Gerard van Bortel, David Mullins 
  4. Housing Refugees: innovative solutions. Project lead Gerard van Bortel.
  5. DiverCity : International approaches to inclusive leadership and diverse workforce development in social housing. Leaders Alix Goldstein, Anita Blessing, Gerard van Bortel.

These, and other project ideas were discussed in two workshops during which the participants were challenged to build on the pitches and start drafting a more concrete outline of a project in a project team. New ideas were added to above list, including aspects of digitisation and innovation.

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