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EFL Spring Conference on May 16th and 17th in Paris
We are very pleased to invite our members and associates to the upcoming EFL Conference in Paris.
This ever-challenging and consequential event begins on May 15th with a welcome dinner and concludes the afternoon of May 17th. The conference takes place at the offices of Paris Habitat, the hosting organisation.
The conference is themed around new financing arrangements for the affordable housing sector in Europe. Many European countries have witnessed reduced governmental spending on affordable housing, and different countries have responded in various ways. Even now, countries experience a sharp decrease of public support in housing or a tightening of rental regulations.
The first day opens with a presentation provided by a high level expert in the field of housing, Professor Christine Whitehead of the London School of Economics. The conference will continue with a blend of best practices across the EFL countries, followed by two themed content blocks. One block is dedicated to European and U.S. innovations in housing policy, and the other block highlights social impact investments and the relevance for EFL members and impact investors regarding the role of social housing.
An additional keynote address will be delivered by the Deputy Mayor of Paris, Mrs. Peneloppe Komites, as she will discuss the topic of green cities and sustainability. Eurocities’ vision on Europe’s urban housing challenge is provided by Susanne Bauer, chair of the Eurocities working group on housing.
The first day concludes with a field visit and a joint dinner, accompanied by Mr. Ian Brossat, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of housing
The second day will provide an update on new and existing projects and the work of our Topic Groups. Furthermore, some of our associates will pitch their latest developments. We conclude the conference with a workshop dedicated to sharing experiences for the allocation of homes.
We believe we have composed a challenging, inspiring, and relevant conference program for you. As always, there is a healthy mix of topics and a list of excellent speakers. We will provide room for copious amounts of interactive discussions with each other under the lead of our moderator, Helen Wilson.
Click HERE for the full program.
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