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EFL Start-up Pitch Day

by | Jun 13, 2018

Join the EFL Digitalization topic group on the 14th of June from 3:00 – 6:00pm (CET) as they host a webinar via Webex featuring a diverse mixture of start-ups from different countries across Europe. They will present their innovative ideas of digitization around housing. Each presentation will be around 20 minutes and there will be ample opportunity to ask questions to the presenters directly afterwards. The start-ups presenting include

1.Switchee (UK)

2.Metry (Sweden)

3. Mail to Pay (the Netherlands)

— coffee break around 4:45 —

4. VRnow (Germany)

5. Fleetbutler (Germany)

To join the Digitalization topic group for what is sure to be an interesting afternoon filled with inventive ideas for the future of affordable housing, please click HERE. That will link you to the Webex session.  

Meeting number (access code): 708 909 213
Meeting password: MU8pNrCS

For any questions, please contact Tina Reimann at Tina.Reimann@Aareon.comOr join by phone: +49 (0) 69222216465 Germany Frankfurt Toll  

If you’d like to check if your system is ready for WebEx, please click here. 

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