
Efl projecten


Efl projecten

The EFL Co- Creation Days on March 5-6 in Amsterdam delivered a number of highly interesting project proposals for the EFL community. As part of our new strategic orientation with a stronger focus on joint development of projects on European level, EFL members pitched their ideas to their fellow members. Project ideas, lead by our members,  for which participation is open to the whole  EFL community. In these times, EFL fully switched to digital cooperation and communication. We use MS Teams as platform for (video) meetings, file sharing and communication for our topic groups and projects.

Below you find the overview of all the projects; indicate your interest via this link.

1.European Social Index
Summary: This project involves co-developing a European Social Index to gain a more complete picture of the people occupying housing stock, thereby adding to the statistical information available about social housing in Europe and allowing housing associations to improve their strategies and programmes, in turn improving residents’ lives. 

2. Achieving Climate Targets in Housing

Summary: This project will equip participants with a greater financial capacity to achieve climate targets for their housing stock (through building a concrete strategy/business plan), giving them both an overview of the general landscape and enabling each member to derive viable ideas and measures for their own company.

3. Map of Digital Business Models in the European housing sector
Summary: This project will investigate and identify digital business models in the European Housing Sector, resulting in a Europe-wide map of functioning and (socially or monetarily) profitable digital business models based on housing associations’ input, as well as a viable model(s) for participating in PropTechs’ growth.

4. Affordable Design Competition
Summary: This project involves co-creating and overseeing a design competition that calls on interdisciplinary student teams at different European universities to develop integrated design solutions for affordable living for a new development in the City of Helsinki.

Projects Yet to Start: Let us know if you’re interested!

5. Planet Smart City Matrix Tool
Summary: This project involves testing an interactive digital tool created by Planet Smart City to measure how social and smart a real estate development is with EFL members, notably housing associations. Testing the tool will allow Planet Smart City to identify the quantifiable achievements of smart city qualities, provide balanced solutions and a cost-benefit analysis of projects to members, and carry out a comparative evaluation of different smart city projects within the European housing sector.

6. Care@Home
Summary: This project involves putting together an application for INTERREG Baltic Sea Region funding. It will answer the following key questions:
• Which services should be provided for an ageing population and in particular for elderly tenants in need of care services?
• Which changes and strategic, regulatory and legal frameworks are generally required to provide age-friendly living and housing conditions, and how can they be applied in different countries and contexts?

Design for Living with Dementia
Summary: This project is headed up by the team at London South Bank University, who are designing and developing holistic systems and services that embed new technologies to help people living with dementia. They will trial these systems in partnership with housing associations, contributing to designing better services for residents with dementia and improving their quality of life in the process.