
Project together delft


The international exhibition Project Together! on the future of living in the city is coming to Delft, the Netherlands. The Delft municipality, TU Delft, architectural firm Inbo and developer cepezedprojects organise the exhibition together at ArsenaalDelft from 1 April until 4 July 2021.

In the Netherlands, 1 million new homes are needed by 2030, of which 100,000 homes must be realized in the province of South Holland before the year 2025. The majority of these will have to be built in the cities. This is not only a quantitative task, but urban living in the 21st century is also accompanied by major challenges in areas such as affordability, sustainability, quality of life, inclusiveness and life course stability. To fulfil this task, cooperation between businesses, government, knowledge institutes and citizens is needed: we can do this together!

One of the most innovative answers to these challenges has been a silent revolution in contemporary architecture – towards collective building and living. Recent design approaches of this ‘architecture of the collective’ are captured in the exhibition Project Together! The exhibition can be seen during spring of 2021, and will be connected to a programme of events involving students, academics, professionals and citizens.

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