News Archive

International Symposium on Cooperative Housing 23 April 2020

by | Apr 3, 2020

From 6 March to 18 October 2020, Museum Het Schip in Amsterdam presents ‘Bruno Taut: Beyond Fantasy’. In this inspiring exhibition and extensive theme-based program, the visitor is introduced to the wonderful and colorful world of this creative and influential architect, urban planner and ‘total artist’ who lived and worked in Germany, Japan and Turkey, and who had a special connection with the Netherlands.
As part of this exposition, EFL and Museum Het Schip organize a symposium on 23 April about cooperative housing. Key international and Dutch speakers will share their experiences on this subject.
More information and the programme: click HERE.

Registration is open for all, but the number of seats is limited. Admission is 35€, including light lunch and network drink.

EFL members have free entry, using the discount code EFL2020.


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