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Registration EFL Summer School 2019 open. July 15-18 in Bochum

by | Mar 14, 2019

Smart City – The Future Role of the Housing Sector
The digital transformation of cities is a major challenge –and it is already happening now, in Europe and all over
the world. New technologies increasingly shape public space and find their way into our homes. They promise,
for example, more sustainability through resource efficiency or cleaner mobility, and opportunities for new
business models based on data. But is “Smart City” really the answer to all our questions? Will digitalisation make
our cities more liveable and help us meet our climate goals? How can we ensure that the changes are for the
benefit of the many and not of the few? How can the housing sector live up to its role as a forming force of
urban neighbourhoods? Program: click HERE.

Registration: Click HERE

For the third time since 2017, we invite young housing professionals from all over Europe to Bochum/Germany, located in the very heart of Europe. Four exciting and instructional days are awaiting you!
Join the European exchange of best practices and innovative approaches, develop new ideas and concepts in interactive
workshops, discuss risks related to the development of smart cities and smart homes, see real examples in field visits, meet fellow young housing professionals from other European countries, and build up your personal European network.
The European Summer School is co-organised by EBZ BusinessSchool – University of Applied Sciences, EFL – European
Federation for Living, Housing Europe – the European Federation of Public, Cooperative and Social Housing and the Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe IWO.
Learn from each other, share your ideas, be part of Europe!

What are the participation fees?
1,530 € per person; if employed by a company that is a member of EFL European Federation for Living or of the European Table for Housing Corporations (Europäischer Tisch), a reduced fee of 1,330 € applies. 

Includes Summer School fees, boarding and meals.

Inspire, colaborate and work together?


As member or associate of EFL you get entrance to a unique network in the housing sector, offering opportunities for cooperation and doing business. Housing companies, both in the social housing and private sector can sign up as a member. Companies in the chain of value creation within the housing industry and development can apply for an asscoiated partnership. EFL is also open for scientific institutes and public organisations.

Apply to be a member