

The European Federation for Living hosted on June 18th a 90 minute webinar with Professor Carlos Moreno, moderated by Joost Nieuwenhuijzen. Prof. Moreno is co-founded the ETI Chair “Entrepreneurship – Territory – Innovation.” and has conducted research on smart and sustainable cities. He is mainly known for his contribution to the 15-Minute City “Ville du quart d’heure” concept..His work has been recognized by local governments and urban transformation programs both in France and internationally.

During the webinar, Prof Moreno emphasized the importance of proximity to daily amenities in the urban living environment. This contributes greatly to the reduction of motorized transport and greater inclusivity. In particular, the realization of social and affordable housing in multifunctional urban areas (polynuclear development) contributes to combating segregation and traffic congestion. During the webinar, Moreno provides many illustrations of cities where redevelopment is needed or is already underway. The registration of the webinar can be viewed via this link.