News Archive
Topic Group Digitisation on new working forms: Agile working for the future
Fast digital developments change whole society systems. The working environment and working place is one of them. How does it influence the daily worklife, also within the housing sector ? How to manage an organisation into an agile working environment ? The one focus topic will be the “new work” and how digitization changes our way of working. We will visit a new, flexible office in Gävle and learn how they accompanied their employees throughout this process of change to adapt to the new working environment.
These and many more related issues will be addressed and discussed during the next meeting of the Topic Group Digitisation. Interactive workshops and presentations are scheduled during the 2 day meeting in the Swedish town Gävle (1 hour by train from Stockholm airport).
We are looking forward to seeing you all in Gävle and to having a fruitful meeting full of shared experiences!
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