

The EFL Spring Conference, hosted by Planet Smart Cities and co-powered by Fondazione Housing Sociale and Redo SGR, turned out to be a great success. A great line up of key note speakers on topics like learning from failures (Ian Wright, Disruptive Innovation Network), the urban challenge of the city of Turin by Paolo Mazzoleni, Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning of the City of Turin and the Piazze Aperte program in Milan, presented by Demetrio Scopelliti, Director of Urban Planning and Public Space at AMAT Milan offered a great morning to warm up.In the afternoon we had inspiring workshops around AI, Social Innovation and Placemaking, followed by another key note speaker, Professor Malcolm Fisk about ” Technology on your body, in your pocket or in your home? Putting Older People in Control”.

Our site visits this year went to the great Lingotto Project in Turin, redesigned by world famous architect Renzo Piano. On Friday the conference offered a field visit to the project Milan Merezzate, a residential neighborhood of Redo SGR where the newest ‘smart technologies’ are used to support both the social aspects of the neighborhood as well as innovations to reduce domestic energy consumption. We all share great memories of another highy successful EFL event!

Presentations can be downloaded HERE. Watch HERE the short VIDEO about the conference.