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Topic Group Social Domain discovered bright innovative projects in Milan

by | Nov 25, 2019

On November 21 and 22, the Topic Group Social Domain conferred in Milan, Italy. Hosted by the EFL members Fondazione Housing Sociale and the University of Biccoca , the attendees got a full picture about innovative, affordable, smart and inclusive projects in the Milan area. 

The project ‘L’innesto’ , part of the Reinventing Cities programme, is the first Zero Carbon “Housing Sociale” project in Italy, is the showroom of Milan’s new sustainability strategies. INNESTO proposes the development of an innovative 4th generation district heating (4GDH) system, powered by renewable sources (including an urban wastewater heat-recovery system). The design of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings is coupled with a pre-assembled construction technology and an optimal mix of bio-sourced materials. The aim is to reduce CO2 emissions and reduce waste, allowing the structure to be disassembled and 100% recycled. 

Besides these and other presentations, the group visited the project CARIPLO Factory and BASE Milano. A historical building transformed in a hub for new businesses , start ups, music festivals and social innovation. Cariplo Factory is in Milan, Via Tortona, in the area formerly occupied by Ansaldo industrial works, some 2,000 sq m of throbbing innovation and technology within BASE Milano, a breeding ground for initiatives that realize youth potential,  generate technology advancements, nurture entrepreneurship, social innovation and creativity, and further arts and culture. 

On the second day, the group visited Borgo Sostenibile, managed by FHS. Affordable new housing, community services, homes for people with dimentia. Home to 321 apartments, the area is much more than a residential quarter. Communal activities take place over the whole year, providing a strong sense of living together.

Link to all the pictures of the topic group meeting.

The meeting was moderated by Chiara Rizzica.

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