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Project Partners Wanted: (1) Post Merger Integration and (2) Strategic Alliances in Affordable Housing

by | Mar 6, 2019


Through collaboration between the University of Birmingham, Delft University of Technology, University of Cambridge, European Network of Housing Research (ENHR), and EFL, two new projects will start in early 2019. Interested to know more about the opportunities and conditions to participate? Please mark your interest by mail.

  1. Social Housing Provider Mergers and Post-Merger Integration – a European Comparative Project

This research proposal responds to shared drivers in multiple European settings for social and affordable housing providers to improve efficiency through mergers and group structures. Its primary aim is to support participating organisations to address challenges related to planning and executing mergers, implementing successful post-merger integration, and measuring outcomes for tenants and local communities. It will be delivered by researchers with experience spanning academia, consultancy, policy and practice in social and affordable housing development. They will work collaboratively with participants to ensure industry relevant outputs.

  1. Social Housing Provider Strategic Alliances

While some social housing providers pursue efficiency gains by entering into mergers or group structures, others select alternative forms of strategic alliances that help them meet their organisational challenges without merging. Such alliances may pool learning, expertise, assets, procurement power or other resources. Some occur between organisations of similar sizes in order to influence policy. Others set out to preserve organisational diversity within social housing sectors, so that tenants and local communities benefit from the different strengths of small and large organisations working together. The proposed research aims to support participating social housing providers to build, maintain and evaluate their strategic alliances by learning from like-minded organisations across Europe.

Interested to know more about the opportunities and conditions to participate? Please mark your interest by mail.


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