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UK Green Paper: ‘A new deal for social housing’,

by | Aug 16, 2018


The UK Government published in August 2018 a new housing policy paper. “This Green Paper, ‘A new deal for social housing’, proposes a rebalancing of the relationship between residents and landlords. This Green Paper sets out a new vision for social housing. A vision which values and respects the voices of residents, with landlords treating them with decency and respect, backed up by clear consequences when they do not. A vision centred on how social housing can support people to get on in life, making it more likely, not less, they will go on to buy their own home, as well as providing an essential, good quality and well run safety net for those who need it most. Five principles will underpin a new, fairer deal for social housing residents:

1.  a safe and decent home which is fundamental to a sense of security and our ability to get on in life;
2. improving and speeding up how complaints are resolved;
3. empowering residents and ensuring their voices are heard so that landlords are held to account;

4.  tackling stigma and celebrating thriving communities, challenging the stereotypes that exist about residents and their communities; and,
5. building the social homes that we need and ensuring that those homes can act as a springboard to home ownership.”(source: Ministery of Housing, Communities and Local Government : A New Deal for Social Housing, p 10)

Download the full Green Paper HERE.

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