
During the latest EFL webinar on 28 October, Dr. York Ostermeyer (Chalmers University, Chill Services) introduced us to a new tool that could help housing companies to gather the right data in order to optimise their energy usage and efficiently decarbonise their building stock: Chill Services’ BuildingAgent app.
For landlords, policymakers, banks, and other institutions in the field, it is important to assess building and property data to prioritise and plan investments. Energy consumption data, based on the real physical characteristics of buildings, plays a major role in decision-making or energy-related refurbishment plans. Financial institutions also need solid figures to evaluate investment plans.
With climate action at the top of national and international political agendas, European housing providers urgently need this data in order to reduce the energy consumption of existing building stock. The European Union is putting a strong focus on green transitions and housing in the next programming period. The Green Deal, the Renovation Wave and Renovate Europe (Renovate to Recover) plans to offer a 1,8 billion funding budget for Energy Renovation of Buildings between 2021 and 2027 – and we should be trying to tap into this!
The problem is that, in many cases, housing companies lack essential data. As Dr Ostermeyer showed, energy data collection and visualisation tools, such as the BuildingAgent app developed within the EFL community, could help housing companies to:
- Assess their property portfolio in terms of energy consumption;
- Support strategic planning for refurbishment (in terms of cost-effective investment), and;
- Provide a sound basis to apply for EU funding programmes focused on reducing buildings’ energy consumption.
If you’d like more information about this tool or about the EFL decarbonisation strategy project (under the Topic Group Finance), don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at