LIM-Living in Metropolises

Summary: Initiated by EFL member “Berliner Bau- und Wohnungsgenossenschaft von 1892“, Tafkaoo Architects and EFL, LiM is the first European-wide joint housing cooperative that aims to realize affordable, sustainable housing where residents have a deciding say.

Description: Initiated by EFL member “Berliner Bau- und Wohnungsgenossenschaft von 1892“, Tafkaoo Architects and EFL, the idea to found a European housing cooperative was born. A joint housing cooperative that is able to realize affordable, sustainable housing with a deciding say of residents. The foundation of LiM as a European cooperative is unique. The legal form is SCE – standing for Societas Cooperativa Europeae.


In the European metropolises under increasing housing pressure, there is a need to search not only quantitatively but also qualitatively – in the “magic” triangle of social, ecological and economic sustainability – for innovative solutions that are affordable for broad sections of the population and free of purely yield-oriented exploitation interests.

This is where LiM comes in to achieve a balance between cooperative solidarity, local challenges and at the same time high living and design qualities. The basis is formed by common guiding principles related to  the five “pillars” of economy, ecology, social sustainability, architecture/design and urban quarters/outside space.


  • Berliner Bau- und Wohnungsgenossenschaft von 1892
  • Tafkaoo
  • PERL
  • Van der Leij Group
  • EFL
  • IWO


  • The LiM focuses on a quality, climate-friendly and holistic housing and building culture that includes the participation of local members, diversity and the sustainable life cycle of buildings. In the sense of a “Sharing Cooperative Model”, both small pilot projects and complex cooperative neighbourhoods can be realised. 


  • LiM sees itself as a growing and “learning” cooperative. As a result, the individual model projects serve as “blueprints” and thus as a basis for future-oriented further development. Current construction projects are already being planned for selected locations in Germany, Finland and Latvia. The first concrete residential construction project is currently being implemented in the southeastern Berlin district of Treptow-Köpenick (Ewaldstrasse).
  • LiM are the facilitators of the current Affordable Housing Design competition project in Helsinki.
