Abitare Toscana

Abitare toscana
Social Housing in Florence and Tuscany Regionhttps://www.abitaretoscana.it/

Abitare Toscana is based in Florence (Firenze) and manages a social housing portfolio of about 1500 units. Its a active organisation that promotes social cohesian and resident involvement.

Latest news: The EFL Academy

Launched in January 2021, the EFL Academy is EFL’s online learning environment, offering exclusive courses on housing-related topics for our members and associates. 

Like our webinars, the EFL Academy offers another digital knowledge-sharing platform where members and associates can deepen their housing knowledge.

Courses are exclusively for the network and many are also offered by the network. If you'd like to contribute a course to the EFL Academy, get in touch with us at info@ef-l.eu

Take an EFL Academy course now!

Efl casaclima #2 sustainability mdemattio

Sustainability protocols

KlimaHouse - Sustainability protocols #5

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Contact us

European Federation for Living
P.O. box 67065
1060 JB  Amsterdam
The Netherlands
e-mail: info@ef-l.eu

Abitare Toscana

Abitare toscana
Social Housing in Florence and Tuscany Regionhttps://www.abitaretoscana.it/

Abitare Toscana is based in Florence (Firenze) and manages a social housing portfolio of about 1500 units. Its a active organisation that promotes social cohesian and resident involvement.

We convert new ideas into action.


EFL is results-driven and member-led. Our members are committed to working together to create concrete results – tangible, worthwhile projects. Together, we develop tools and services and co-operate in EU funded programmes. Our members and associates drive and shape our work: our staff act as facilitators, communicators, and consultants. Want access to our unique network of housing actors and projects?


Join us today!