Topic Group: Finance
Topic Group Leader: Hendrik Cornehl, Dr. Klein Consulting, Germany
- Learn about the different European financing eco-systems within the housing sector.
- Share best practice approaches with a focus of finance and investment within the European housing sector.
- Create a network for professional exchange on a regular basis among peers.
- Cover digitization as well as business development aspects, both from a finance-and-investment-perspective
- Financing trends
- Investment trends
- Digital business models from a finance-and-investment-perspective
- Financing social and affordable housing
- Creating an overview over digital business models in the European housing sector
- Financing sustainability and energy efficiency
- Developed in-depth understanding of several domestic housing finance markets
- Created a tool for comparison of financial KPIs among European housing providers
- Published brochure “Financing Affordable Housing”
- Initiated a project for creating a sustainability label for the European housing sector

“Having proudly chaired this highly active EFL Topic Group since the beginning of 2016, I am still overwhelmed by the group’s creativity, productivity and open-mindedness. Over the years we have come up with dozens of ideas, in order to support each other in delivering more efficient and more sustainable financing solutions within our sector. Regardless of our individual organisation’s professional meeting culture, we enjoy lively networking whenever we meet.”