University of Birmingham

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University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TT
United Kingdom

The Housing and Communities Group, led by Professor David Mullins, is part of the School of Social Policy at the University of Birmingham. It comprises seven research staff and fellows and four PhD students, and has six current research projects, mainly focused on community-led housing and the community investment role of housing associations. It has hosted international visitors from Italy, Hong Kong, Japan and Austria and holds regular seminars for policy and practice communities through the Housing and Communities Research Network.

Latest news: The EFL Academy

Launched in January 2021, the EFL Academy is EFL’s online learning environment, offering exclusive courses on housing-related topics for our members and associates. 

Like our webinars, the EFL Academy offers another digital knowledge-sharing platform where members and associates can deepen their housing knowledge.

Courses are exclusively for the network and many are also offered by the network. If you'd like to contribute a course to the EFL Academy, get in touch with us at

Take an EFL Academy course now!

Contact us

European Federation for Living
P.O. box 67065
1060 JB  Amsterdam
The Netherlands