by Joost Nieuwenhuijzen | Mar 14, 2019 | News Archive
The Housing and Communities Research Group is delighted to accept the invitation to be an academic partner of the European Federation for Living. This builds on our focus on sharing and co-production of knowledge with industry partners in the housing sector in... by Joost Nieuwenhuijzen | Feb 6, 2018 | News Archive
On deadline day, 30 teams had submitted their projects representing five European countries: Finland, the Netherlands, UK, Germany and France. Almost all participants are architecture students.The quality of the entries is remarkable. In fact, students addressed the... by Joost Nieuwenhuijzen | Feb 6, 2018 | News Archive
The European Federation for Living (EFL) is hosting a design competition for architecture and design students requesting stimulating, innovative ideas in the field of new-build accessible housing for the elderly. Sponsored by the Finnish governmental organisation ARA,... by Joost Nieuwenhuijzen | Feb 6, 2018 | News Archive
During the EFL conference held in november 2015 in Amsterdam, some speeches have been recorded for those of you who missed the event.You can find them below.You can also stay tuned on the “European Foundation for Living” Youtube channel to find all the EFL... by Joost Nieuwenhuijzen | Feb 6, 2018 | News Archive
The EFL Conference, recently taking place on November 18 and 20 in Amsterdam, was a big succes for all attendees. More than 50 guests from 8 countries attended a 3 day program, packed with workshops, speeches, field visit and the General Assembly.Four new members and...