Webinar 23 September: InBetween Project

Webinar 23 September: InBetween Project

EFL member, Vilogia is a key partner in the InBetween project consortium (funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 768776), which started three years ago. Marie Longueville, Vilogia representative, will...
EFL welcomes four new members!

EFL welcomes four new members!

We’re delighted to announce that four new organisations have joined the EFL network as of September 2020: The Housing Agency Ireland One4all Finland Oy ChillServices, Germany Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands The network just keeps...
EFL October 2020 Conference Now Virtual

EFL October 2020 Conference Now Virtual

Due to a sharp rise of covid contagions in Europe recently, the Board has decided to cancel the planned onsite conference in Berlin. The conference will be turned into a virtual event via MS Teams. We apologize for this situation. The revised program will soon be sent...